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We are pleased to announce the winners of the accuracy and reproducibility awards of the challenges on Producer prices in industry (PPI), Production volume in industry (PVI) and Tourism (Number of nights spent at tourism accommodation establishments).

Since 2022, Eurostat has conducted engaging competitions in the fields of nowcasting and web intelligence, with the primary objective of unveiling innovative methodologies and valuable data resources to enhance the production of European statistics.

As part of this program, which will continue until the end of 2025, the initial rounds of the nowcasting and web intelligence competitions have concluded.

We thank all participants for having contributed to the success of this first round through their submissions. Moving forward, we aim to leverage insights gained from this experience to enhance future rounds. We encourage the community of data-savvy enthusiasts to consider participating in upcoming competitions to be announced in the coming months. Stay tuned for further details and assist us in generating timely and detailed European statistics.

Congratulations to all the winners!

The European Statistics Awards Programme on Nowcasting aims at improving timelines of European Statistics which is a recurring demand by policymakers and other users of European statistics.

We were looking for new approaches based on advanced modelling (possibly using alternative, almost real-time, information) that could give us accurate estimates of key indicators much faster than before.

The 2022 round of the Nowcasting awards was divided into 3 separate competitions, each focusing on the nowcasting of one economic indicator.

Producer prices in industry – PPI Challenge

Producer prices are also known as output prices. The objective of the output price index is to measure the monthly development of transaction prices of economic activities. There is a general public interest in knowing the extent to which the prices of goods and services have risen. In many countries levels of wages, pensions, and payments are adjusted in long term contracts in proportion to changes in relevant prices. The domestic output price index for an economic activity measures the average price development of all goods and related services resulting from that activity and sold on the domestic market between one time period and another.

Production volume in industry – PVI Challenge

The monthly PVI indicator represents the production index in industry. The objective of the index is to measure changes in the volume of output at monthly intervals. It provides a measure of the volume trend in value added over a given reference period. The production index is calculated in the form of a Laspeyres type index.

Number of nights spent at tourism accommodation establishments – Tourism Challenge

Accommodation statistics are a key part of the system of tourism statistics in the European Union and have a long history of data collection. For this indicator, the benchmark was the official figures on nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments by residents and non-residents.

As part of the competition requirements, teams were expected to submit at least 6 consecutive point estimates of monthly time series in a period of eight months across a minimum of five countries. The submission of estimates for all eight months (and more than five countries) enhanced the team's chances of securing the top position for the accuracy award. Teams competing for the Reproducibility Award were required to provide comprehensive methodological descriptions, including source code.

The Tourism, PVI and PPI challenge was launched in September 2022, with a final deadline for submissions in March 2023 and documentation in April 2023.

Participation was quite wide as a total of 82 teams, comprised of 144 individuals from 21 countries, signed up for this challenge. The results of the evaluation are announced below.

The participants were competing for two types of awards:

  • Accuracy Award prizes were given to the top three teams whose entries yielded point estimates closest to the published tourism indicator.
  • Reproducibility Award prize was given to the team whose entry shows great potential to be scaled up to European statistics production. The Reproducibility Award was intended to support the best described and documented solutions, with the most innovative, open approach using open data.
Place Prize Team name Team members Country Winning entry
1st place 3 000 EUR nbb_dsc_cl Corentin Lemasson Belgium Entry 3
2nd place 2 000 EUR dhopp1 Daniel Hopp Switzerland Entry 1
3rd place 1 000 EUR INSEE Thomas Faria
Pierre Leblanc
Inès Moutachaker
Antoine Palazzolo
Alain Quartier la Tente
France Entry 1
Place Prize Team name Team members Country Winning entry
1st place 3 000 EUR GladGan Christian Url Austria Entry 1
2nd place 2 000 EUR YXAnalys Yingfu Xie Sweden Entry 1
3rd place 1 000 EUR INSEE Thomas Faria
Pierre Leblanc
Inès Moutachaker
Antoine Palazzolo
Alain Quartier la Tente
France Entry 1
Place Prize Team name Team members Country Winning entry
1st place 3 000 EUR PM10 Daniel Strenger
Maximilian Ofner
Austria Entry 2
2nd place 2 000 EUR bernese Sarah Schneeberger
Marc Burri
Switzerland Entry 4
3rd place 1 000 EUR dhopp1 Daniel Hopp Switzerland Entry 1
Competition Prize Team name Team members Country Winning entry
PPI 5 000 EUR dhopp1 Daniel Hopp Switzerland Entry 1
PVI 5 000 EUR Not attributed - - -
Tourism 5 000 EUR bernese Sarah Schneeberger
Marc Burri
Switzerland Entry 4

Since the Reproducibility award was intended to support the most thoroughly described and documented solutions, with the most innovative, open approach, we are happy to share with you the solutions which won this prize in three competitions (PPI, PVI and Tourism):

PPI (Producer prices in industry)

dhopp1 solution which won the Reproducibility award for presenting the best solution for the indicator Producer prices in industry is available on the following link:

Tourism (Number of nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments)

Bernese solution which won the Reproducibility award for presenting the best solution for the indicator Number of nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments is available on the following link:

Rank Team name Entry 1 score Entry 2 score Entry 3 score Entry 4 score Entry 5 score Best entry score
1 nbb_dsc_cl 0.005285 0.006557 0.005045 0.005045
2 dhopp1 0.005157 0.005247 0.005469 0.005157
3 INSEE 0.005897 0.009513 0.008284 0.007515 0.005897
4 YXAnalys 0.005908 0.014192 0.020289 0.032047 0.051172 0.005908
5 Corsbu 0.008139 0.007222 0.007222
6 bernese 0.010968 0.008395 0.011742 0.007993 0.010056 0.007993
7 mb 0.010301 0.008097 0.008426 0.014622 0.008231 0.008097
8 Spika 0.013085 0.010383 0.014846 0.012557 0.009752 0.009752
9 Ronzinante 0.009847 0.013346 0.013346 0.013346 0.013346 0.009847
10 mustafaaskin 0.010603 0.020932 0.010603
11 Fantastic_Three 0.013900 0.013900
12 GladGan 0.019161 0.021170 0.019161
13 AdrianB 0.057916 0.088863 0.057916
- teamcof These teams do have the same min 5 countries for 6 consecutive months, but have some values where MSRE is greater than the set threshold = 0.15.
- DreamTeamCy
- outcasted_outliers
- Koala
- HDProjections These teams did not provide the same min 5 countries for 6 consecutive months.
- HablandoEnData
- Jupyter
- Modil
- Random_walk
- SEER-Group
- Statistical_Information_Entropy
- TeamACJN
- delphi
- tsLovers
- vega
- vishleshak
Rank Team name Entry 1 score Entry 2 score Entry 3 score Entry 4 score Entry 5 score Best entry score
1 GladGan 0.004725 0.006976 0.004725
2 YXAnalys 0.005799 0.006433 0.005799
3 INSEE 0.006154 0.007345 0.008739 0.009512 0.007905 0.006154
4 mb 0.014128 0.007578 0.007751 0.018603 0.007236 0.007236
5 bernese 0.007880 0.009284 0.010417 0.007703 0.010094 0.007703
6 Jupyter 0.007849 0.007849
7 Ronzinante 0.008105 0.008105 0.008105 0.008105 0.008105 0.008105
8 dhopp1 0.009105 0.009497 0.008539 0.008539
9 mustafaaskin 0.009057 0.013762 0.009057
10 Spika 0.010621 0.012983 0.011899 0.012796 0.010948 0.010621
11 Fantastic_Three 0.011055 0.011055
12 DreamTeamCy 0.011341 0.011341
13 Koala 0.014415 0.014415
14 outcasted_outliers 0.015743 0.015743
15 nbb_dsc_cl 0.022039 0.022039
16 Corsbu 0.062170 0.041505 0.041505
- AdrianB These teams did not provide the same min 5 countries for 6 consecutive months.
- HablandoEnData
- Modil
- SEER-Group
- TeamACJN
- tsLovers
- vishleshak
Rank Team name Entry 1 score Entry 2 score Entry 3 score Entry 4 score Entry 5 score Best entry score
1 PM10 0.062206 0.052548 0.052548
2 bernese 0.064254 0.059753 0.061466 0.052800 0.088140 0.052800
3 dhopp1 0.084791 0.114550 0.093104 0.084791
4 OptimalEffort 0.663310 1.708523 0.460193 1.474072 0.130610 0.130610
5 GladGan 0.158459 0.266043 0.391566 0.158459
6 INSEE 0.244560 0.218528 0.314124 0.317296 0.218528
7 YXAnalys 0.296623 0.328733 0.296623
8 Modil 0.336400 0.336400
9 Fantastic_Three 0.455392 0.455392
10 mustafaaskin 1.107572 0.872781 0.872781
11 Ronzinante 1.102195 1.102195 1.102195 1.102195 1.102195 1.102195
12 Koala 1.396423 1.396423
13 Jupyter 1.984225 1.984225
- INESIS These teams do have the same min 5 countries for 6 consecutive months, but have some values where MSRE is greater than the set threshold = 0.15.
- Corsbu
- DreamTeamCy
- HETS These teams did not provide the same min 5 countries for 6 consecutive months.
- Quasar
- Rozinante
- SEER-Group
- TeamACJN
- dephi
- mb
- tsLovers
- vishleshak